Saturday, January 30, 2010

Transgender Hormone If Someone Is Transgender, Can They Get Hormones In Prison?

If someone is transgender, can they get hormones in prison? - transgender hormone

If you are a man, but they are like a woman trapped in a male body diagnosed by a psychologist. Can they be female hormones in prison? What is gender reassignment?


Super Beaner said...

If they do so is a tremendous waste of taxpayer money. That is not our problem if they are transsexuals live with her. One could perhaps even jail enjouy

Judy said...

Of course, you get the medicines they need, including hormones. In general, the prisoners are not allowed to start hormone in prison, but remain in their current medications to market access.

Lou has clearly not from studies that cared what happened in the past few decades. People are born with their genetic makeup. The "white vest" theory has been refuted repeatedly. For transgender people, science has discovered that his brain is designed to meet the gender-specific. Scientists say the process of development of the fetus in a manner that does not work, depending on the scenario and divide the results into the brain and the body identified. We have the writings of Dr. Milton Diamond. Learn to read the section on the basis of sex to the next page, learn more about the latest scientific findings on trans-sexuality. ...

The study of twins showed that twins were simply cases of homosexuality in the same appearance on the GenerPopulation.

tonalc2 said...

It is rare that a person can get a sex change from prison.

However, it is the policy of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons provide hormones to the levels existing prior to incarceration.

In particular, the policy states:
Prisoners who will undergo treatment for a disorder of gender identity for the amount of change that existed when they were locked in the office will be maintained. These prisoners will be strict medical evaluations and mental health, including the due consideration of all available logs out. Medical Director will be consulted before starting or continuing the application of this treatment. The medical director approval must be obtained in writing, use of hormones for secondary sexual characteristics in written form.

tonalc2 said...

It is rare that a person can get a sex change from prison.

However, it is the policy of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons provide hormones to the levels existing prior to incarceration.

In particular, the policy states:
Prisoners who will undergo treatment for a disorder of gender identity for the amount of change that existed when they were locked in the office will be maintained. These prisoners will be strict medical evaluations and mental health, including the due consideration of all available logs out. Medical Director will be consulted before starting or continuing the application of this treatment. The medical director approval must be obtained in writing, use of hormones for secondary sexual characteristics in written form.

Erica - Counting the Days said...

In contrast to all the people who have unknowingly tries * to answer this question, the answer is yes. Does the hormone of prescription if the person has undergone HRT, before being arrested and the reason is simple ...

Suddenly, a person, the hormones leave their bodies without hormones, which can be very harmful to their health. We have a law that protects people against the cruel and unusual punishment, and for a person with transsexualism, a physical (not mental) STATE OF BIRTH, cross-hormonal therapy is necessary.

Our prison system is to rehabilitate people so they can integrate into society and become productive members. There is no reason not every prisoner who has to offer a legitimate medical condition with the medicines they need to treat the disease. It's called being human. Genital surgery is not absolutely necessary for a transsexual person to be healthy, so I think it should be at the expense of taxpayers.

@ Lou - Did you end up with the reality of recent events? His answer is the IR --diculous nonsense I read. Books prove "things, right? I think it must mean that snakes talk, and can, there is a place called Whoville. Wow ... phobic much? BTW, (incorrectly) referring to family Keanu Reeves is not going to help their image.

You know, Miss Buckman, you need
a license to buy a dog or drive a car.

Hell, you need a license
to catch a fish.

But I'll be unstoppable Reamin Idiot
a parent.

--- Or you can answer a question with Yahoo! A, apparently.

Lou said...

You are a victim of the horrible things you can do, and in the end it is psychological, as in the book, which has shown nature intended to show six factors that homosexuality as a disorder "

Example of scientific studies in the book is what is known in the psychological community that the recent large twin studies in Sweden and the Netherlands, which proved to be the gay gene, because the French share of 100% of their genes, but if you are gay only 10% of the others are gay, which shows that it is not genetic disorder that gay people were not born identity between the sexes is this way because it should 100% gay, and because twins are genetically identical to 100%!

... There is not much in the book that the nature of his psychological condition known as gender identity disorder shows ...

But do not hear much about!

Something you have been done by their caregivers, what) (abuse of the order underOne year, peaking in early childhood, your opinion has chosen to forget and / or deep within you ....

Note that the birth of a child is a "blank sheet" cable with only the basic circuit (in mourning, when they are hungry, shit, sleep, etc.), even if the vision and the eyes are still in training The cycles were set up .. . the caregiver can not abuse a great responsibility to the person responsible for the whole world: caring for the child and raise it properly and!

Many people find miserably in this task, that is all adult persons, ill-fitting (in fact the victim) in today's society ... and all adults / victims to pay the consequences of their own lives, damage them as maladjusted children and even babies ...

... You need a license, you need a fishing license ... Butthole but all can be a father!

I'm happy for people like you sorry because no amount of sex or redirection of more rights will help to make life better for you, you have to do it (with the professionGet professional help), what happened to you, agree with him, then back to the natural foundations of life ...

They want the politics and the people who say "you know, play what is their problem, showing that the scientific facts of the problem, or politically biased science shows contaminated called ... but ultimately it depends on you .. .

Socrates said that the greatest effort is for one person in life, "you really know, or as he calls it, for a life to have examined, wrote:" ... The unexamined life is not worth living is to ... "

Unfortunately, today many know who they are and where they come ...!

Best wishes ....

moke35 said...

To begin with most psychologists are nuts. If a person is a man and wants to be a woman or not. No luck. It is only fair to ask Joe or Jane Doe, their hard-earned money to spend thes human monsters.

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